Prvi dan u srednjoj školi za mlade Azerbejdžance
Prvi dan nove školske godine, bio je poseban za sve đake a najviše za dva učenika iz Azerbejdžana koji su zahvaljujući Fondaciji bosanskohercegovačke inicijative žena (BHWI) nastavili svoje školovanje u Bosni i Hercegovini. Braća iz Azerbejdžana su se nakon završenog devetog razreda osnovne škole u BiH odlučili za Srednju mašinsku tehničku školu u Sarajevu, zanimanje „mašinski tehničar konstruktor na računaru“ i primljeni su u prvom roku. Pored njih, školovanje u BiH, zahvaljujući Fondaciji BHWI, nastavlja još jedan učenik koji je upisan u srednju školu u Zenici.
Uključivanje dječaka iz Azerbejdžana u obrazovni sistem BiH, počevši od osnovne škole, bio je dugotrajan proces koji je iziskivao mnogo truda i strpljenja. Uz maksimalnu podršku i razumijevanje nadležnih institucija i ogromnu pomoć Fondacije BHWI taj proces je uspješno okončan. Uz pomoć dječacima da se uključe u obrazovni sistem, BHWI je njima i njihovim roditeljima redovno pružala potrebnu psiho-socijalnu podršku koja je uključivala učenje bosanskog jezika kao i razne sportske aktivnosti u kojima su se dječaci odlično pokazali. Inače, projekat pružanja psiho-socijalne podrške i pomoći u individualnoj zaštiti priznatim izbjeglicama i tražiteljima azila u BiH Fondacija BHWI implementira uz podršku Agencije UN-a za izbjeglice UNHCR.
Dvije godine su BHWI i Ministarstvo obrazovanja Kantona Sarajevo ulagali napore da dječaci iz Azerbejdžana nastave sa školovanjem. Započet je proces nostrifikacije diploma iz Azerbejdžana, a dječaci su u tom periodu savladali bosanski jezik kako bi se lakše integrirali u društvo. Uspješno su završili osnovnu školu sa vrlo dobrim uspjehom.
Njihovom upisu u Srednju mašinsku tehničku školu u Sarajevu je prisustvovala njihova majka, kao i direktor i pedagogica škole i članovi Fondacije BHWI.
„Što se tiče polaska u srednju školu to je uspjeh prvenstveno dječaka jer su se trudili i zalagali, a onda i BHWI tima. Bez timskog rada ne bismo uspjeli realizovati sve ovo. Oni su konkurisali kao i sva ostala djeca bez bilo kakvih povlastica i bili su primljeni u čak tri škole, ali su na kraju upisali ono što su najviše željeli“, istakla je Danira, pedagogica BHWI-a.
Prvi dan srednje škole je otvaranje novog životnog poglavlja punog promjena i prilagodbe. Srednja mašinska tehnička škola bit će mjesto na kojem će dječaci iz Azerbejdžana doživjeti tranziciju iz osnovne škole i dobiti priliku da se još više integrišu u društvo samim tim što će upoznati svoje vršnjake koji dolaze iz drugih škola. Na licima dječaka moglo se vidjeti uzbuđenje zbog susreta sa novim prostorom, profesorima i budućim prijateljima.
Dječaci su posebno zahvalni Fondaciji BHWI na podršci koja im je pružena. „Radujem se početku nove školske godine, nastavnici su odlični, kao i okolina u kojoj se nalazi škola“, rekao je jedan od dječaka iz Azerbejdžana.
The first day in high school for young Azerbaijanis
The first day of the new school year was special for all students, but mostly for two students from Azerbaijan who, thanks to the Foundation of the Bosnian Women’s Initiative (BHWI), continued their education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After completing the ninth grade of elementary school in Bosnia and Herzegovina, brothers from Azerbaijan decided to go to the High School of Mechanical Engineering in Sarajevo, the profession “mechanical technician computer designer” and were accepted in the first term. Besides them, another student who is enrolled in a secondary school in Zenica continues his education in Bosnia and Herzegovina thanks to the BHWI Foundation.
The inclusion of boys from Azerbaijan in the education system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, starting from the elementary school, was a long-term process that required a lot of effort and patience. With the maximum support and understanding of the competent institutions and the enormous help of the BHWI Foundation, that process was successfully completed. By helping the boys to join the education system, BHWI regularly provided them and their parents with the necessary psycho-social support, which included learning the Bosnian language as well as various sports activities in which the boys excelled. Otherwise, the BHWI Foundation implements the project of providing psycho-social support and assistance in individual protection to recognized refugees and asylum seekers in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the support of the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR.
For two years, BHWI and the Ministry of Education of Sarajevo Canton have been making efforts to ensure that boys from Azerbaijan continue their education. The process of nostrification of diplomas from Azerbaijan began, and during that period the boys mastered the Bosnian language in order to integrate into society more easily. They completed primary school successfully, with very good results.
Their enrollment in the Secondary Mechanical Technical School in Sarajevo was attended by their mother, as well as the director and pedagogue of the school and members of the BHWI Foundation.
Danira, a pedagogue from BHWI said “As for starting high school, it is primarily the success of the boys because they worked hard and were committed, and then also of the BHWI team. Without teamwork, we would not have been able to realize all this. They applied like all the other children without any privileges and were admitted to as many as three schools, but in the end they enrolled in the one they wanted the most.”
The first day of high school is the opening of a new life chapter full of changes and adjustments. Secondary Mechanical Technical School will be a place where boys from Azerbaijan will experience the transition from primary school and get the opportunity to integrate even more into society by meeting their peers who come from other schools. You could see the excitement on the faces of the boys because of meeting the new space, professors and future friends.
The boys are especially grateful to the BHWI Foundation for the support they received. One of the boy from Azerbaijan said “I am looking forward to the start of the new school year, the teachers are excellent, as well as the environment where the school is located.”